ParaRealtor Services

for Ontario Real Estate Buyers

Tired of paying high real estate commissions?

We have the answer!

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Experienced Real Estate Administrators who provide and complete all your real estate documents for a Purchase

Our fully remote service is offered for any residential real estate purchases in Ontario 

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Represent yourself in your real estate purchase and save thousands in commissions

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One Low Fee

Negotiate a better price, since the seller only has to pay the listing agent's commission.  You pay one flat fee! 

Are you a Savvy Real Estate Purchaser?

Prefer to Self-represent?  

We have the plan to revolutionize how some people buy real estate. 

Buyers can represent themselves and hire ParaRealtor to provide the paperwork for one low fee! 

Looking for more information about Self-Representation - Ontario's New Rules? 

Learn More . . .

Know the risks of representing yourself - RECO

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1 905 320 3219

Customer Reviews

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"Savvy, experienced real estate buyers LOVE this option! It saves them thousands in real estate commissions when they represent themselves!"

- Sara Keppler

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"I'm a real estate investor and have bought and sold dozens of properties over the past 40 years. I know what I am looking for in a property and I've gotten pretty good at negotiating. What I don't like is worrying about getting the paperwork right!  That's where ParaRealtor has been a lifesaver."

- Rod Hughson